
Sometimes you just need to do a little update to your application and donโ€™t want to go through the entire deployment process. This is where the quick deploy feature comes in handy.

If your application has already been configured, this task will help you deploy just that without stopping any of the other apps you my have already running.


Your code needs to have been previously deployed and configured. If you havenโ€™t done that yet, you can follow the steps in the tutorials section.

Once your code has been committed and pushed to your repository, you can use the quick deploy feature to update your application.

Running the Command

To quickly deploy your application, run the following command:

ansible-playbook -i inventory 99.extras_setup.yml --tags quick_deploy -e "repository=NAME_OF_YOUR_REPOSITORY"

Make sure to replace NAME_OF_YOUR_REPOSITORY with the name of the repository you configured in your config.yml file.


The quick deploy feature is a convenient way to update your application without affecting other running services. By specifying the repository name, you can quickly deploy changes to your application without the need to restart the entire server or other applications. This can be particularly useful for minor updates or bug fixes that donโ€™t require a full deployment cycle.